The Royal Artillery Association was started on 26 May 1920 by the RA War Commemoration Fund to create a ‘Gunner Friend’ network organisation in every part of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth; in essence to create and foster a bond of comradeship irrespective of rank, between all who are serving or who have ever served as artillerymen and to maintain and promote the proud traditions of ‘Ubique’. It was also designed to help those in need or distress and maintain contact with old comrades. His Majesty The King is the Patron.
There are a network of branches throughout the country, promoting comradeship and the opportunity for Gunners to meet up and have some fun. The Association also has the needs of Gunners and their families, to those who have fallen on hard times and the Association works alongside with the Royal Artillery Charitable Fund, it is at the very heart of the Gunner family. So please do consider joining a Branch in your area.
The aims, quite simply, are the promotion of Gunner welfare and comradeship; aims which are as important today as they were back in 1920. Comradeship is fostered in local branches throughout the UK and abroad, and by affiliation to other Gunner organisations. Also the regular contact, meetings and social gatherings. There are a number of national events that the RAA support and organise. Please see the events section for more information. The Association provides a ready made network of Gunner friends and useful contacts.
The core of the Association is its Branches. They are supported by District Representatives who, in turn, are supported by Regional Representatives who make up the National Executive Committee, which reports to a Royal Artillery Board of Management. The Association is served by a small permanent staff team at Artillery House, Larkhill.
For a serving Gunner, Association Branches can provide support during the difficult transition period into civilian life and thereafter with a network of comrades who may prove useful when settling in an area, together with the friendship of a caring group of people who understand your problems. For Members, Branches provide a focus for social activities, fun, comradeship and practical assistance and support if it is needed. It also allows ready access to the Gunners’ charitable funds to assist those in need.
The Association provides all its members with the opportunities to help others less fortunate than themselves and to receive help if there is a need. The branch does this primarily through the work of the Branch Welfare Officer who, if extra assistance is required, can contact the Welfare Officer at Artillery House.
If you would like to renew old friendships and make new ones within the Royal Artillery Association and the Gunner Family then please consider joining your local branch of the Association. The benefits include:
These include :
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